F3 Backblast - 2024-04-01T21:37:57+0000

#F3 Grove City Backblast

-Monday 4-1-2024--6:30am

Weather: Rainy and Mildish

6am PreRuck:

OFD and MEA OYO due to staggered starts and differing routes taken.

PAX who posted:
Professor, Half, Worm, MEA


The PAX were welcomed to Monday's Beatdown.


PAX Moseyed to Pavilion and Standard GC Warmups commenced

The Thang:

Thrifted foam dice were rolled by the individual PAX to instigate
exercise. Each roll indicated the number of reps of the exercises,
that were either an Upper Body, Lower Body, or Mary exercise. Rolls
that produced a double number resulted in the PAX performing 10
burpees. This happened on numerous occasions, much to the delight of
the PAX. Workout concluded with a final roll for the rep count of

PAX Prayed
PAX Counted Off
PAX Namorama'd

Coffeeteria provided by MEA was enjoyed!

Next workout Thursday 6am
